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Obrazy Historii - guided tour in English

Obrazy Historii - guided tour in English

Czas trwania: ± 90 minut

22 października 2024 godz.: 12:00

„Picture of history” - is intended for people who appreciate the traditional way of explore and can immediately experience visiting our cellars in an interactive version. The scenario of this variant is more exhaustive of historical knowledge and emphasizes the story of the cellars themselves. We recommend it especially to adults and history enthusiasts.

Wybierz bilety: dostępne: 8


maksymalnie do zakupu: 8

Bilet angielski - normalny


Bilet angielski - ulgowy


Bilety w koszyku

Trasa podziemna - bilet normalny

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Ilość: 3 46 PLN
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